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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, through the use of a private Demo and PoC (proof of concept). Within this dedicated, private instance of our cybersuite, you will have complete full access to all available features, tailored to your business.

How do I create an account?

Please reach out to our Sales team to schedule a demo and to have one of our Sales Engineers create a private, dedicated PoC tailored to your company.

How does Caassian work?

Our suite processes every email in real-time, scans and compares it's hash against over 350+ rules within our database, and based on those rules (as well as any custom ones), either delivers the email to the recipient or quarantines it for further investigation, or places it within the user's trash bin.

Is this tool GDPR compliant?

Yes, as well as ISO 27001 compliant. Please reach out to us for further questions.

Our offices

Come and visit our office: tea and coffee included.

We find the best partnerships start in person. Drop us an email or a line to schedule a drop-in.